Lalandia Holiday Center in Søndervig on Denmark’s Western Coast
Are you planning a family trip or weekend getaway somewhere on the Danish coastline but need ideas of where to go? See why we would recommend visiting Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark this year!
Table of Contents
Getting Ready for our trip to Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark
About a month before our trip to Lalandia, we received the first of many emails from them to help prepare us for our trip. The first email asked if we would be renting bedding for our trip. Since we always like to travel with our own linens, we didn’t need to order any duvet covers, fitted sheets or pillowcases. It is a very convenient option, though.
Then, about a week before our trip, we received another email that explained how to reserve a table for supper, where to find the take-a-way menu online, and how to get more information about the trip before we arrived.
Then, we had one last email two days before the day we went to Lalandia in Søndervig in Denmark. This email explained everything we needed to know about our visit. We were told where we would be staying, how to get there, how to get into our cabin and more information on opening hours of the different attractions, stores, and food places. These emails were so helpful in our preparation for the trip as well as getting us extra excited for our special family weekend on the west coast of Denmark!
This post is sponsored by Lalandia Søndervig, who hosted me and my family for a weekend in September. Many photos were taken after hours to ensure the privacy of patrons. All thoughts and comments are my own. This post is also sponsored by Bones Restaurant who hosted my family to a dinner during our visit to Lalandia Søndervig. Also, this post may contain affiliate links, which means that at no additional cost to you, I may make a commission if you click on a link and make a purchase. Thanks for your support!
What to do in Lalandia Søndervig
During our trip to Lalandia, we found many great activities to do as a family. There were other activities that the boys enjoyed without us, which gave my husband and I some time to enjoy a nice drink and a relaxing chat!
Clip and Climb
The first attraction that we noticed after entering Lalandia Søndervig was the Clip and Clip. Children can clip themselves to a line and climb up a wall. It was a really interesting idea, that I had never seen before.
Check out the famous seashell house and more in the town of Thyborøn, Denmark!
High Jump Trampoline
Another fun activity for children was the High Jump Trampoline. I have seen these in many other places, but they always seem to have children jumping on them. It is not just a regular trampoline, since you can do flips and jump much higher in the air. Since you are strapped to a harness on the trampoline, there is no worry about falling.
Across from the climbing and jumping attractions is the shuffleboard tables. For a small fee, you can rent the table and play a game as a family or perhaps while your kids are in the Monky Tonky Land. My husband and I enjoy relaxing games like this, but so do the boys, so they tend to be fun, family experiences for us!
Next to the shuffleboard tables was one thing that we didn’t expect to find at Lalandia: padel. To be quite honest, I had never heard of padel before. It looked like a form of indoor tennis with a much smaller court with the balls not going as far. When we were there, we saw adults using the courts, which really proved that Lalandia Søndervig is not just a fun place for children.
This is another area you would need to pay to reserve the court for your game. However, it could be a nice activity for those who want a little more action on their trip to Lalandia.
Monky Tonky Land at Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark
A big attraction of Lalandia Søndervig is the Monky Tonky Land. This is a fantastic, indoor play area with many soft, climbing towers with slides and more. Children up to the age of 12 can spend hours playing here. Certain parts of Monky Tonky Land that were also perfect for toddlers with building blocks and in sections separated from the rest of the larger playground.
My boys enjoyed playing on the ball courts that were within the playground and also on the trampolines. However, any opportunity to climb and slide are always welcome.
If you like climbing, you will love the treehouses and outdoor play at the nearby WOW Park!
Creative Workshop
In the back corner of the Monky Tonky Land, you’ll find a section with a few tables. Here, kids can take a break from the physical fun and be creative with coloring pages and other activities.
Sky Rider
If you like heights and are looking for a little action, you should check out the Sky Rider. This is a cross between a roller coaster and a zip line where a person is strapped into a harness and flies along a track. There is a height and weight limit for this ride, so it isn’t for everyone, but we saw many older children having a great time on this attraction.
Little Vegas
If you like playing games, you should visit the Little Vegas arcade inside Lalandia Søndervig. Here, you will find racing games, claw machines, air hockey and a variety of other games. Get tickets from doing well with some of the games and turn the tickets into the shop across from the Little Vegas entrance for prizes. You can also buy your Sky Rider tickets here or some much needed sweets!
Aquadome at Lalandia Søndervig in Western Denmark
The main reason we wanted to visit Lalandia was the Aquadome! Since our trip to Lalandia in Billund a few years before, we have been dreaming of another trip to the fun, indoor water park called the Aquadome. The Aquadome has many different sections to try that are perfect for all types of swimmers or beach bums!
Wave Pool
The wave pool is a lot of fun for those who like to be in the water! The water is at a decent temperature, and the waves are a good size for both children and adults. However, don’t be fooled by the name of this water attraction, since there are times when the waves are turned off. Then, it is a nice swimming pool for people of all ages to enjoy.
Surfing Waves
One area of the Aquadome that I had never really seen before was the wave rider area. You could do this with a group of up to three people, and you would get around 3 minutes to try it. That was the reason the line took so long for this attraction. People would either use the boogie boards or try to stand on the surf boards. I noticed that the lifeguard had the power to turn up or down the pressure of the water.
Check out some of Denmark’s biggest waves at the National Park Thy!
My oldest son and I tried it, and I have never had such a violent experience with water before. We were both able to cruise down the water on the boogie boards, but the power of the jets pushed us back to the top of the platform so fast that we crashed into the wall behind us. My head was still rattling long after that experience.
To be fair, I have no idea why it didn’t work for us. I rode real waves in Hawaii without any difficulty, but for some reason. I couldn’t figure this ride out. There were also plenty of other people who were having a great time on it. Who knows, but I wouldn’t say that my son and I left as fans of that part of the Aquadome.
Four Slides of Lalandia Søndervig
In order to give a full review of the slides at Lalandia, my family and I had to try all four of them. I wouldn’t say that the majority of us like things that are high OR fast, so we were a bit skeptical when it came to two of the slides. I am happy to report that we all survived, so how bad could they really have been!
They have two slides that I would say are pretty standard when it comes to water parks. You can go down them with a single donut innertube or a double. If you ask me, the double tube goes much faster even though the track is the same. A third slide was a single, but it required people to lay down face first. I had never gone on anything like this, but since it was set up as kind of a race, I never had the feeling that I was doing it alone. It was a lot of fun. All three of them were.
Surviving the Tornado Slide
Then, we tried the fourth and final slide. They also had the Tornado, which was a four-seat tube. This one went out of the building into a large cone where you would sway side to side until coming out at the end. My family and I have never been on a slide like that one before, and let’s just say that I am glad that I went down backwards.
Holy guacamole!
The drop and swaying were more than I had ever experienced on a slide before, but I am so glad that I tried it. Had I known how it would be, I might have avoided it, so I am glad I went into the experience completely clueless. If you like roller coasters, this would probably be your favorite of the four slides. Don’t take my word for it, though. You have to try them all for yourself!
Toddler Pool and Playground
You can find a toddler pool at Lalandia Søndervig, which was very shallow with a small play tower and slide. There were many babies and toddlers in this pool along with their parents.
Shallow Pool with Small Slides
For slightly older children, there was another pool with 4 green slides. These slides were very short and looked more like the slides you would find on a playground instead of a water park. This way, parents and grandparents could watch the children the entire time as they went down the slide. I even saw some adults going down the slides with the children. My youngest son really enjoyed this section!
Hot Pool, Sauna and Outdoor Pool at Lalandia Søndervig
The two places where we had the most relaxing time would have to be in the hot pool and the outdoor pool The hot pool was like a giant hot tub without the bubbles. Instead, this pool was the size of a smaller swimming pool with enough room for many people. There were benches all along the inside of the pool, where we sat comfortably as the power jets massaged our backs. Lovely!! There was also a sauna nearby which could have been a great place to visit before the outside pool!
The outdoor pool was just outside from the hot pool. Though the water in the outdoor pool wasn’t as warm, I really enjoyed being in fresh air. It was such a nice option to have, even though it was the middle of September during our trip. These two places were the most “chilled out” of all the places, so we like spending time there.
Large Water Tower Playground and Slides
The last area of the Aquadome was the large playground with slides. This was by far the most fun area of the water park. My boys could have played on it for hours, which they probably did if we added up all the times they played on it that weekend. I also really enjoyed playing on it. You can’t avoid getting wet on that tower, and I think that is really the fun of it all. The slides were also short and really fun!
Tip about visiting the Aquadome
I didn’t see that there were any swim bands in Lalandia Søndervig, so you will want to make sure you bring your own. I saw many children with swim bands on their arms, and some of them had swim vests on. However, I didn’t see any swim belts though. Just be prepared when you are visiting Lalandia with little ones who are as comfortable with the water.
Monky Tonky Mystery Hunt
One fun way to get to know the different areas within Lalandia is by participating in the Monky Tonky Mystery Hunt. You can find the maps at the entrance to Monky Tonky Land and get a prize after you have found all of the missing swim rings! It is a fun activity that you can do as a family and is free to play.
Take a trip to nearby Struer, Denmark and be a part of the Sound Experience at the Struer Museum.
What to eat in Lalandia Søndervig in Western Denmark
There are many different places to get a meal, snack, drink or even food to take back to you cabin at Lalandia Søndervig.
Bones Restaurant
Lalandia has an amazing Bone’s Restaurant that would be close to an American steakhouse and/or bar in grill in the USA. It definitely gives you that “American feeling” when you visit! Would you believe that I am American and I have never eaten at a Bones Restaurant until this trip to Lalandia Søndervig? This was the perfect place to have my first “Bones” experience.
When walking into the top floor of the restaurant, I noticed so many “American” items all along the walls as decorations. It really made me feel that I was back home in a typical bar and grill type of restaurant. The food was also amazing, which helped with the good vibes!
The menus were very personable, since you had to write your name on them. That way, when the food came, the waiter would call you by your name. Nice touch! We all got the salad bar to start, which had the typical cut-up vegetables, dried fruit, etc. What I didn’t expect to find was the different types of premade salads as options. I can’t decide if it was the one with lentils, pasta or vegetable mixture that was my favorite. Easily one of the best salad bar options I have seen in a while!
Finding something for everyone at Bone’s Restaurant
As I am a vegetarian, I ordered the veggie burger and a backed potato. It was delicious!
My husband was happy to be able to get steak, which was always one of his favorite things about going out in the USA.
My boys surprised me with getting chicken strips and spareribs. However, it wasn’t any surprise that they were good eaters that night. Oh, by the way…my kids always eat off of the adult menus when we go to restaurants, but that wasn’t needed when we went to Bones. They are both 12 and under, so they were able to order off the child’s menu. Don’t let the name fool you! My boys both had to bring some of their food home with them. Something that NEVER HAPPENS!
This was partially because we had to save room for the ice cream bar. Yum!! However, you should know that they have two sizes for their kids meal! This is awesome since 2 and 12-year-old children don’t eat the same amount of food. Kudos to Bones Restaurant for knowing the difference!!
That may have been our first time at Bones, but it won’t be our last! I am making it a mission to try all of the different Bones Restaurants in Denmark! We are big fans and have even signed up for their family club. Check it out HERE!
Another restaurant at Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark is the Værftet. This is under the Bones Restaurant in Lalandia and has some great decorations on the wall to make you feel that you are eating in the shop of a wood worker. Here, you can find a variety of pasta and pizza options, and they also have fish and chips. For the little ones, they also have a child’s spaghetti, fish or pizza option.
Surf Club Food Court
Since we wanted to spend as much time in the Aquadome as possible, we decided to eat our lunch at the Surf Club Food Court. This food court was a combination of 4 different places and offered a good variety of food for our entire family. My husband got a shrimp salad, and my oldest son had a club sandwich. My youngest son got a cheeseburger, while I had a fish plate with potatoes and salad. There was also pizza and ice cream, but since we had enough to eat with our meals, we didn’t have room for more!
Sports Bar and Sports Corner
While we waited for our table for supper, we sat in the seats by the Sports Bar. It was nice to get a beer on draft after a long day in the Aquadome. They also had many bottles of liquor behind the bar. Around the corner from where we sat were a section that looked more like bleacher seats. There were many people sitting there also at the time we had our beer. They were watching a soccer match on a large-screen TV.
Espresso House – Waffle and Ice Cream
In the same area as the Sports Bar was the Espresso House counter for waffles and ice cream. While the boys played in the Monky Tonky Land during the first morning we were at Lalandia Søndervig, my husband and I sat with a coffee from Espresso House. I was very surprised how large the coffee was! I’m sure my husband was quite pleased, as well! The Espresso House also had many desserts, which the boys enjoyed after a few hours in the Aquadome!
Where to shop at Lalandia Søndervig
For those people who want to get a few things on your trip to Lalandia, you will be happy to know that there are a few shops that might have just what you are looking for.
Lalandia Mini Market
If you notice that you forgot to pack a few of the essential items for the kitchen in your cabin, you will be pleased to know that Lalandia Søndervig has a small grocery store. This is a great place to buy snacks, breakfast items and drinks. They also sell fresh bread, which is always important for a classic Danish breakfast.
Aquadome Shop
If you want to do some shopping without having to leave Lalandia, you can find a few things in the Aquadome Shop. This is a great place for not only swimming items like swimsuits, floaties and goggles, but they also have children’s clothes for the little ones, a wide variety of Lego sets and other toys. You can even build your own stuffed animal at the Monky Tonky Factory!
Where to stay at Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark
No matter the size of your family, there is a cabin for you at Lalandia Søndervig. Our cabin was perfect for our family of 4, and it offered us a truly relaxing place to enjoy our downtown when on our trip. Since most of the attractions and restaurants in Lalandia were closed around 8:30 during our weekend there in September, that gave us a good reason to go back to our cabin.
The living room and kitchen in our cabin at Lalandia
The cabin had a comfortable living room with a couch, chair coffee table and TV. We were able to enjoy some family time with the board games we brought with us during our nights in the cabin.
The kitchen was also a good size with all the items we needed to make a nice meal. It even came equipped with a coffee maker, hot water kettle, microwave and dishwasher with a few complimentary dishwasher pellets. The refrigerator was a decent size and also included a freezer. The kitchen table comfortably sat 4 people with room for a highchair, which came with the cabin.
2 bedrooms in our cabin at Lalandia Søndervig
Our cabin came with two bedrooms. One was for the parents with two single beds pushed together. We also had a tall cabinet that had many large shelves and a section to hang clothes with hangers.
The other bedroom was for the kids. It had two single beds that were separated with a larger cabinet in between. The cabinet was larger because it had two sections. One was just shelves for the clothes and the other had a vacuum cleaner in it. On the vacuum cleaner side, there is also a place to hang clothes. This room also has a baby crib with a changing table attached to it. In theory, the parents could have this room if it made more sense for them to be with the baby at night, but since we didn’t have a baby, we chose the other room.
Bathroom in our cabin at Lalandia
In between the two bedrooms was a bathroom. This had a toilet, shower and sink. It also had a washer and dryer, which would be a great option for us had we stayed longer. I really like the idea of including the washer and dryer, since finding a place to wash clothes, bedding and towels might not have been so easy to do in that area of Denmark. The bathroom also had a dryer rack, which we still used for our beach towels our on the back porch.
Outside our cabin at Lalandia Søndervig
Our cabin was connected to another cabin in a duplex style. This would have been great if we were traveling with friends or family, since it meant we wouldn’t have to go far to share a meal or hang out. The back porch area of our cabin had a small porch and a table and chair set for four. There was a door that opened to this patio also.
Some of the other cabins were designed differently, which meant that they didn’t have a front and back door. Just keep in mind that there are many different types of cabins there. Some of them even had an upstairs and were big enough for larger families. We really liked the one we had and felt it was the perfect size for us.
Playgrounds near the cabins at Lalandia Søndervig
In our cabin’s “neighborhood”, we also saw that there was a playground. After our walk to Lalandia from the cabin, we could see that there were many other playgrounds all through out the different cabin areas. They all varied in shape and size, and we even saw a soccer (football) field next to one of the larger playgrounds that was conveniently placed in the center of the cabins.
Tips for Having the Best Stay at Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark
1) Bring your own soap and towels.
The cabins come with almost everything you need, but they don’t come with soap and towels. Make sure you plan to bring dish soap, soap for washing hands in the bathroom, any soaps you would need in the shower and laundry detergent if you think you feel you will be doing laundry. We also forget to bring bathroom soup for washing hands, so it is nice that Lalandia has a minimarket for things like that.
2) Bring some games for nighttime in the cabin.
Though we have many games at home, but we don’t always find time to play them. When you are away in a cabin, there is always time for family time. We were only gone for a weekend, but we managed to find time to play some morning and evening games. If your kids go to bed early, it could be a fun thing for you to do with your spouse or friends if you’re traveling with another family or without the kids. Søndervig is not known for its nightlife, so relaxing and fun evenings in are a good idea.
3) Bring your bikes.
If you are not the type of person who likes walking, you might want to consider bringing your bicycle when you visit Lalandia Søndervig in western Denmark. Riding up to Lalandia from your cabin is easy to do with the paved paths, and you can also easily take a trip into the town by bike. The area surrounding Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark is also quite pretty and great for biking, so biking can be a great way to see the area. We didn’t mind walking to Lalandia and into Søndervig, but it could also be a nice option for parents who have kids with extra energy to burn!
4) Beat the crowds!
If you are there during the high season, the Monky Tonky Land and Aquadome are packed around 10am to 12noon. If you want to beat the crowds, it is better to go at these places later in the day. This might be easier to do if you don’t have to work around the nap schedule of little ones. Also, supper time until closing is probably the time with the fewest people in the Aquadome.
5) Reserve a table!
Though the cabins of Lalandia Søndervig have everything you need to make a cozy supper at home, the two restaurants there are quite wonderful for those not wanting to cook. Since there are others who would agree with me, you may find that they are quite packed with people. Save yourself the hassle and book a table in advance.
What to do in Søndervig, Denmark
Even though Lalandia was the main reason we went to Søndervig, it doesn’t take much time to enjoy a bit of the surrounding area while you are on Denmark’s western coast!
Town of Søndervig
Søndervig is a quaint little town. They have a nice street with many restaurants and shops for buying clothes, shoes and novelty items. We had been to Søndervig once before Lalandia opened and had a nice meal at the German Beer Garden, and my boys really loved the buffet at Pizzeria Valentino.
Søndervig Sandskulptur Festival
A short walk from Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark is the amazing Søndervig Sandskulptur Festival. This is a place that has a large wall of sand sculptures, created by international artists. Each year the sculptures change their theme, so it is an interesting place to visit each year.
When we were there, they had a medial theme that had a bit of fantasy with its dragons and unicorns.
It also told of historical tales and people with the famous Harold Bluetooth, one of the first kings of Denmark, as well as rats that carried the Black Plague. There were so many sculptures to see that were larger than life. You’ll have to see them in person to believe they are true!
Søndervig Strand (beach) on Denmark’s West Coast
If you are staying longer at Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark, you may want to go to the Søndervig Strand. This is actually in a short walking distance from Lalandia and is a very long, clean beach. Though the water off the coast of Denmark is not meant for being warm, plenty of people enjoy cooling off in its waters.
You can also take a stroll along the water to see the different German bunkers left over from WWII. My family enjoys getting an ice cream and/or coffee/ tea when we visit the beach. It is a fantastic place to watch the sun set!
Overall Thoughts of Lalandia Søndervig
We had such a great weekend at Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark. The boys really enjoyed climbing and playing in the Monky Tonky Land, where they met new friends and had lots of stories to tell. Also, we loved the hours we spent in the Aquadome relaxing in the hot pool, going down the slides, floating in the wave pool and playing on the water playground. The food at Bones was also amazing! It was so nice to have an American meal that I didn’t have to cook! 😉
Our cabin was so clean and had everything we could possibly need for our weekend trip. The area around where we stayed was quiet and peaceful with a very short walk to the main street of Søndervig and the Søndervig Strand. We didn’t need to drive anywhere that entire weekend. It was absolutely perfect for us to have fun time together without all the stress of being on the move! Perfect!
I would highly recommend a visit to Lalandia Søndervig if you are looking for a great place to take your family on Denmark’s west coast this year!
Getting in Touch with Lalandia Søndervig in Denmark
Address: Vestkystvej 2, 6950 Søndervig (Ringkøbing), Denmark
Telephone: +45 88 30 56 10
Book Your Stay: +45 54 61 05 00
Website: EN / DA / DE / SE / NO
Email: lalandia@lalandia.dk
Practical Information: HERE
Reserve a Table or Order Takeaway Food at Lalandia Søndervig: HERE
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