Living Abroad,  Projects

Jordbærlagekage Opskrift / Danish-Style Strawberries and Cream Layered Cake


Sommer er den bedste tid til at spise jordbær, og hvad er bedre end at spise dem på toppen af en lækker lagkage? Her er først en dansk opskrift på en jordbærlagkage, og bagefter kan du finde en på engelsk.

Summer is the best time to eat strawberries, and what better way to eat them than on top of a delicious strawberries and cream layered cake? Here you will find the recipe for a Danish-style strawberries and cream layered cake in both Danish and then in English! Below, you will also find the video tutorial on how to make the cake, which is in English.

Jeg har lavet en gammeldags, dansk jordbærlagkage på YouTube. Videoen er på engelsk (lidt dansk). Du kan finde videoen her: 

Her giver jeg jer opskriften på jordbærlagkagen. God fornøjelse!

This post may contain affiliated Links, so see the policy and procedure page for details.

Jordbærlagekage (Dansk)

Lagkagebunde (3 eller 4 stk.)

4 æg

150 g sukker

et nip fint salt

75 g mel

25 g kartoffelmel

1 spsk bagepulver

Tænd ovnen på 190º almindelig ovnvarme. Pisk æg, sukker og salt til en luftig æggesnaps. Det tager 10 min. med elpisker. Sigt mel, kartoffelmel, og bagepulver op i en skål og bland det i æggemassen af 3 omgange. Vend sammen.

Smør en bradepande (24 cent) og drys med mel så det dækker hele panden. Fjern det overskydende mel. Tegn 3 cirkler på bagepapir. Fordel dejen i et jævnt lag på ½-1 cm. Bag bundene i 8-10 min. til de er gyldne. Fjern bagepapiret og lad bundene køle af.

Elsker du Pebernødder? Finde opskrift HERE!


3/4 kg jordbær

4 spsk sukker

fintreven skal af ½ citron

3 spsk citronsaft

1 tsk koncentreret hyldeblomstsaft

Gør jordbærene i stand og skær dem i tykke skiver. Drys dem med sukker og vend dem med citronskal og citronsaft. Vend rundt i bærene og lad dem trække et par timer til sukkeret smelter. Efter 2 timer hæld jordbærene op i en sigte med en skål under så lagen løber fra. Vend jordbærene med koncentreret hyldeblomstsaft. 


5 dl piskefløde

180 ml creme fraiche 38%

1 tsk vanilje (eller kornene af 1 vaniljestang)

2 spsk flormelis

Kom fløde, creme fraiche, vanilje og flormelis i en skål og pisk det til en blød flødeskum. 

Opbygge Kagen

Læg en bund på et fad. Fordel et lag marienerede jordbær over, og spred et lag flødeskum ovenpå. Læg en bund til og gentag. Slut af med den sidste bund og tryk kagen let sammen. Lad den trække på køl i 4 timer. Velbekomme!

Strawberries and Cream Layered Cake (English)

Cake Base (3-4 pieces)

4 eggs

3/4 cup sugar

a pinch of salt

1/3 cup flour

2 tablespoons of cornstarch

1 tablespoon of baking powder

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. With an electric mixer, whisk the eggs, sugar and salt until the batter is fluffy and thick. It should resemble pancake batter. This will take 10 minutes. In another bowl, mix the flour, cornstarch and baking powder. Slowly, add the dry ingredient to the egg mixture and mix with the electric mixer. 

Butter a round (8″) cake pan. Sprinkle the pan with flour and pat the sides to coat the entire pan with flour. Dump extra flour in the garbage. Use parchment paper and trace the bottom of the pan. Cut out the parchment paper to fit in the bottom of the cake pan. You will repeat this two more times for each of the three cake bases. (You could also choose to make four like the picture.)

Use only a 1/3 of the batter to fill the pan. Repeat the process a second and third time. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool. Be sure to remove the parchment paper.

Do you love Christmas cookies? You will love Danish Pebernødder. Try the recipe HERE!


3/4 quart of strawberries

4 tablespoons of sugar

zest of a half of 1 lemon

3 tablespoons of lemon juice

Cut the strawberries into thick slices. Mix them with the sugar, and fold in the lemon zest and juice. Mix until the sugar dissolves. Let sit for 2 hours and then drain the juice off the strawberries by putting them in a strainer. 

Whipped Cream

1/2 quart heavy cream

18 ounces of high fat (38% or so) sour cream (or cream fraiche) 

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 tablespoons of powdered sugar

Combine the heavy cream, sour cream, vanilla and powdered sugar in a bowl and mix with an electric mixer. If the whipped cream is a bit runny, let it stand for a few minutes. 

Building the Cake

Put one layer of the cake on a large, round plate. Cover the layer with 1/3 of the strawberries. Then, cover the strawberry layer with whipped cream. Continue these steps until you are putting the last piece of cake on top. This time, spread the whipped cream on the cake layer first and then, add the remaining strawberries to the top. Let the cake cool in the refrigerator for 4 hours before serving. Enjoy! 

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Hi! I'm Kelly, an American mom and wife to a Dane. After deciding to move to rural Denmark in 2016, I decided to share the highs and lows of expat life in Denmark with lots of fun family experiences and trips in Denmark to make it all a bit more interesting! :) Welcome to My New Danish Life!

One Comment

  • Christina Bluhme

    I will be using your recipe! Tak for det. I just found your blog after doing a search for “Why do Danes hate Americans?”. This search was promoted after reading some viscious and hurtful comments on a Danish news source I follow about the US and current affairs. I’m a 61yo Danish American with strong roots to my motherland and I grew up as a beloved American relative when home in DK. But, I get it. Politics are ugly and a certain someone ruined the world’s perception of the US IMO. Anyway, I’m happy I found your blog.

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